Discuss certification

First published 04/11/2009


With regards to the ATM accreditation -see attached. The cost of getting accredited in the UK is quite low – UKP 300 I believe. ISTQB UK will reuse the accreditation above.

Fran O'Hara is presenting the course this week. Next week I hope to get feedback from him and I'll update the materials to address the mandatory points in the review and add changes as suggested by Fran.

I've had no word from ISTQB on availability of sample papers as yet. I'll ask again.

I have taken the ATA exam and I thought that around one third of the questions were suspicious. That is, I thought the question did not have an answer or the provided answers were ambiguous or wrong. Interestingly, there are no comments from the client on the exam are there?

If their objective is to pass the exam only, then their objective is not the same as the ISTQB scheme. The training course has been reviewed against the ATA Syllabus which explicitly states a set of learning objectives (in fact they are really training objectives, but that's another debate). The exam is currently a poor exam and does not examine the syllabus content well. It certainly is not focused on the same 'objectives' as the syllabus and training material. If the candidates joined the course thinking the only objective was to pass the exam, then they will not pay attention to the content that is the basis of the exam. I would argue that the best way to pass the exam is to attend to the syllabus. The ‘exam technique’ is very simple – and the same as the Foundation exam. A shortage of test questions should not impair their ability to pass the exam. The exam is based on the SYLLABUS. The course is based on the SYLLABUS.

Here's my comments on their points – in RED.

The general conclusion is that the training should be pass exam oriented. See my comment above. If this is REALLY what they want – they do not need a training course. They should just memorise the syllabus, since that is what the exam is based on. Some of the comments above, I think are legitimate and we need to add/remove/change content in the course. Some of the ATM material could be reused as it is possibly more compact. (Risk, incidents, reviews). Yes we need more sample questions – agreed! But I think some of the comments above betray a false objective. If we taught an exam-oriented course they would pass the exam but not learn much about testing. This is definitely NOT what the ISTQB scheme is about. However, people like Rex Black are cashing in on this. See here: https://store.rbcs-us.com/index.php?option=com_ixxocart&Itemid=6&p=product&id=16&parent=6 What will you suggest to the client re: getting their people through the exams? I hope some of the text above will help. If you do have specific points (other than above) let me know. I will spend time in the next 2-3 weeks updating the materials.

Tags: #ALF

Paul Gerrard Please connect and contact me using my linkedin profile. My Mastodon Account