How to Test the Internet of Everything video

First published 01/07/2015

At the end of May I spent a very pleasant few days in Minsk, Belarus at the SQA Days conference. Many thanks to Vladislav Orlikov for inviting me and giving me the opportunity to visit a new country and meet a lot of very nice and smart people.

Vlad sent me a link to the video of my Keynote and you can see it below. The background noise is mostly the sound of the simultaneous translation, which diminishes a few minutes into the video.

How to Test the Internet of Everything (in English) from Vlad Orlikov on Vimeo.

Vlad also used a PDF I sent him to print 500 copies of The Tester's Pocketbook to give to every attendee. Books are highly regarded in Belarus and for 24 hours I was extremely popular and had to sign (I estimate) 150-200 of them!

Tags: #IOE #IOT #InternetofEverything #InternetofThings

Paul Gerrard Please connect and contact me using my linkedin profile. My Mastodon Account