New Tutorial: Test Strategy in a Day

First published 11/02/2013

This tutorial suggests that rather than being a document, test strategy is a thought process. The outcome of the thinking might be a short or a long document, but most importantly, the strategy must address the needs of the participants inside the project as well as the customers of the product to be built. It needs to be appropriate to a short agile project or to a 1000 man-year development. It has to have the buy-in of stakeholders but most importantly, it must have value and be communicated.

This tutorial presents a practical definition of a Test Strategy, provides a simple template for creating one and describes a systematic approach to thinking the right way. This will be an interactive session. Bring your test strategy problems with you – we'll try and address them during the day. You will receive a free copy of the Tester's Pocketbook.

Dates & Venues

19 February 2013 – London 09 April 2013 – London 21 May 2013 – London 16 June 2013 – London 10 September 2013 – London 22 October 2013 – London 10 December 2013 – London

Download the course brochure here.

Visit the Unicom website for price and booking details.

Tags: #TestStrategy #inaday

Paul Gerrard Please connect and contact me using my linkedin profile. My Mastodon Account