Re-Thinking System-Level Testing – Introduction
First published 18/09/2010
This is the first in a series of short essays in which I will set out an approach to test design, preparation and execution that involves testers earlier, increases their influence in projects, improves baseline documents and stability, reduces rework and increases the quality of system and acceptance testing. The approach needs automated support and the architecture for the next generation of test management tools will be proposed. I hope that doesn’t sound too good to be true and that you’ll bear with me.
Some scene-setting needs to be done...
In this series, I’m focusing on contexts (in system or acceptance testing) where scripted tests are a required deliverable and will provide the instructions in the form of scripts, procedures (or program code) to execute tests. In this opening essay, I’d like to explore why the usual approach to building test scripts (promoted in most textbooks and certification schemes) wastes time, undermines their effectiveness and limits the influence of testers in projects. These problems are well-known.
There are two common approaches to building scripted tests:
- Create (manually or automated) test scripts directly from a baseline (requirement or other specification documents). The scripts provide all the information required to execute a test in isolation.
- Create tabulated test cases (combinations of preconditions, data inputs, outputs, expected results) from the baseline and an associated procedure to be used to execute each test case in turn.
- The baseline document(s) provide all the information required to extract a set of executable instructions for the conduct of a test.
- The baseline is stable: changing requirements and designs make for a very painful test development and maintenance experience; most test script development takes place late in the development cycle.
What are the consequences?
- The baselines are a ‘done deal’. Requirements are fixed and cannot be changed. They are not testable because no one has tried to use them to create tests. The most significant early deliverables of a project may not themselves have been tested.
- Testers have little or no involvement in the requirements process. The defects that testers find in documents are ignored (“we’ve moved on – we’re not using that document anymore”).
- There is insufficient detail in baselines to construct tests, so testers have to get the information they need from stakeholders, users and developers any which way they can. (Needless to say, there is insufficient detail to build the software at all! But developers at least get a head start on testers in this respect.) The knowledge obtained from these sources may conflict, causing even more problems for the tester.
- The scripts fail in their stated objective: to provide sufficient information to delegate execution to an independent tester, outsourced organization or to an automated tool. These scripts need intelligence and varying degrees of system and business domain knowledge to be usable.
- The baselines do not match the delivered system. Typically, the system design and implementation has evolved away from the fixed requirements. The requirements have not been maintained as users and developers focus on delivery. Developers rely on meetings, conversations and email messages for their knowledge.
- When the time comes for test execution:
- The testers who created the scripts have to support the people running them (eliminating the supposed cost-savings of delegation or outsourcing).
- The testers run the test themselves (but they don’t need the scripts, so how much effort to create these test scripts was wasted?).
- The scripts are inaccurate, so paper copies are marked up and corrected retrospectively to cover the backs of management.
- Automated tests won’t run at all without adjustment. In fixing the scripts, are some legitimate test failures eliminated and lost? No one knows.
Does this sound familiar to you?
That’s the scene set. In the next essay, I’ll set out a different vision.
Tags: #Essaysontestdesign
Paul Gerrard Please connect and contact me using my linkedin profile. My Mastodon Account