Risk-Based Testing
First published 06/11/2009
Presentation to SAST on Risk-Based Testing (Powerpoint PPT file) – This talk is an overview of Risk-Based Testing presented to the Swedish Association of Software Testing (SAST). Why do Risk-Based Testing?, Introduction to Risk, Risks and Test Objectives, Designing the Test Process, Project Intelligence, Test Strategy and Reporitng.
Risk – The New Language of E-business Testing. This talk expands the theme of risk-Based Testing introduced below. It focuses on E-Business and presents more detail on risk-Based Test Planning and Reporting. It has been presented to the BCS SIGIST in London and is the opening keynote for EuroSTAR 2000.
Risk-Based Testing – longer introduction. This talk present a summary of what risk-based testing is about. It introduces risk as the new language of testing and discusses the four big questions of testing: How much testing is enough? When should we stop testing? When is the product good enough? How good is our testing? Metrics (or at least counting bugs) doesn't give us the answer. The risk-based approach to testing can perhaps help us answer these questions, but it demands that we look at testing from an different point of view. A polemic.
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