Story Based Testing and Automation

First published 27/03/2013

Did you know? We’re staging some webinars

Last night, we announced dates for two webinars that I will present on the subject, “Story-Based Test Automation Using Free Tools”. Nothing very exciting in that, except that it’s the first time we have used a paid-for service to host our own webinar and marketed that webinar ourselves. (In the past we have always pitched our talks through other people who marketed them).

Anyway, right now (8.40 PM GMT and less than 24 hours since we started the announcements) we have 96 people booked on the webinar. Our GoToWebinar account allows us to accept no more than 100. Looks like a sell-out. Great.

Coincidentally, James Bach and Michael Bolton have revisited and restated their positions on the “testing versus checking” and “manual versus automated testing” dichotomies (if you believe they are dichotomies, that is). You can see their position here:

I don’t think these two events are related, but it seemed to me that it would be a good time to make some statements that set the scene for what I am currently working on in general and the webinar specifically.

Business stories and testing

You might know that we (Gerrard Consulting) have written and promoted a software development method ( that uses the concept of business stories and have created a software as a service product ( to support the method. The method is not a test method, but it obviously involves a lot of testing. Testing that takes place throughout the development process – during the requirements phase, development phase, test phase and ongoing post-production phases.

Business stories are somewhat more to us than ‘a trigger for a conversation’, but we’ll use the term ‘stories’ to refer to them from now on.

In the context of these phases, the testing in scope might be called by other names and/or be part of processes other than ‘test’. Requirements prototyping, validation, (Specification by Example/Behaviour-Driven Development/Acceptance Test Driven Development/ Test-Driven Development – take your pick), feature-acceptance testing, system testing, user-testing and regression testing during and after implementation and go-live.

There’s quite a lot of this testing stuff going on. Right now, the Bach-Bolton dialogue isn’t addressing all of this in a general way, so I’m keeping a watching brief on events in that space. I look forward to a useful, informant outcome.

How we use (business) stories

In this blog, I want to talk specifically about the use of stories in a structured domain-specific language (using, for example Gherkin format (see to example (and that is a KEY word) requirements. I’m not interested in the Cucumber-specific extensions to the Gherkin syntax. I’m only interested in the feature heading (As a…/I want…/So that…) and the scenario structure (given…/when…/then…) etc. and how they are used to test in a broader sense:

Story-based testing and automation

You see, the goals of an automated test (and let me persist in calling them tests for the time being) varies and there are several distinct goals of story-based scenarios as test definitions.

In the context of a programmer writing code, the rote automation of scenarios as tests gives the programmer a head start in their test-driven development approach. (And crafting scenarios in the language of users segues into BDD of course). The initial tests a programmer would have needed to write already exist so they have a clearer initial goal. Whether the scenarios exist at a sufficiently detailed level for programmers to use them as unit-tests is a moot point and not relevant right now. The real value of writing tests and running them first derives from:

  1. Early clarification of the goal of a feature when defined
  2. Immediate feedback of the behaviour of a feature when run
  3. When the goal is understood and the tests pass, then the programmer can more safely refactor their code
Is this testing? 2 is clearly an automated test. 3 is the reusable regression test that might find its way into a continuous integration and test regime. These tests typically exercise objects or features through a technical API. The user interface probably won’t be exercised.

There is another benefit of using scenarios as the basis of automated tests. The language of the scenario (which is derived from the businesses’ language in a requirement) can be expected to be reused in the test code. We can expect (or indeed mandate) the programmer to reuse that language in the naming of their variables and objects in code. The goals of Ubiquitous Language in systems (defined by Eric Evans and nicely summarised by Martin Fowler here are supported.

Teams needing to demonstrate acceptance of a feature (identified and defined by a story), often rely on manual tests executed by the user or tester. The tester might choose to automate these and/or other behaviour or user-oriented tests as acceptance regression tests.

Is that it? Automated story tests are ‘just’ regression tests? Well maybe so.

The world is going 'software as a service' and the development world moves closer to continuous delivery approaches every day. The time available to do manual testing is shrinking rapidly. In extremis, to avoid bottlenecks in the deployment pipeline ( there may be time only to perform cursory manual testing. Manual, functional testing of new features might take place in parallel with development and automation of functional tests must also happen ahead of deployment because automated testing becomes part of the deployment process itself. Perhaps manual testing becomes a test-as-we-develop activity?

But there are two key considerations for this high-automation approach to work:

  1. I’ve said elsewhere that Continuous Delivery is a beast that eats requirements ( and for CD to work, then the quality of requirements must be much higher than we are accustomed to. We use the term trusted requirements. You could say, tested and trusted. We, and I mean testers mostly, need to validate requirements using stories so the developers receive both trusted requirements and examples of features in use. Without trusted requirements, CD will just hit a brick wall faster.
  2. Secondly, it seems to me that for the testers not to be a bottleneck, then the manual checking that they do must be eliminated. Whichever tests can be automated should be. The responsibility for automation of checking must move from being a retrospective activity to possibly a developer activity. This will free the manual testers to conduct and optimise their activity in the short time they have available.
  3. There are several spin-off benefits of basing tests on stories and scenarios. Here’s two: if test automation is built early, then all checks can take advantage of it; if automation is built in parallel with the software under test, then the developers are much more likely to consider the test automation and build the hooks to allow it to operate effectively. The continuous automated testing provides the early warning system of continuous delivery regimes. These don't 'find bugs', rather they signal functional equivalence. Or not.

    I wrote a series of four articles on 'Anti-Regression Approaches' here: What are the skills of setting up regression test regimes? Not necessarily the same as those required to design functional tests. Primarily, you need automation skills and a knowledge of the internals of the system under test. Are these testing skills? Not really. They are more likely to be found in developers. This might be a good thing. Would it not be best to place responsibility for regression detection on those people responsible for introducing regressions? Maybe developers can do it better?

    One final point. If testers are allowed (and I use that word deliberately) to test or validate requirements using stories in the way we suggest, then the quality of requirements provided to developers will improve. And so will the software they write. And the volume of testing we are currently expected to resource will reduce. So we need fewer testers. Or should I say checkers?

    This is the essence of the “redistributed testing” offer that we, as testers, can make to our businesses.

    The webinar is focused on our technical solution and is driven by the thinking above.

    Last time I looked we had 97 registrants on the 4th April Webinar. If you are interested, the 12th April webinar takes place at 10 AM GMT – you can register for it here:

    Tags: #testautomation #businessstorymethod #businessstories #BusinessStoryManager #BDD #tdd #ATDD

    Paul Gerrard Please connect and contact me using my linkedin profile. My Mastodon Account