Tea-Time with Testers – Testing the Internet of Everything
First published 10/04/2014
I'm working with Lalitkumar who edits the Tea Time With Testers online magazine. It has a large circulation and I've agreed to write an article series for him on 'Testing the Internet of Everything'. I'll also be presenting webinars to go with the articles, the first of which is here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1854587302076137473 It takes place on Saturday 19 April at 15.30pm. An unusual time – but there you go.
You can download the magazine from the home page here: teatimewithtesters.com/
Lalit has asked for questions on the article and I'll respond to these during the webinar. But questions on a more broad range of testing-related subjects, I'll write a response for the magazine. But I'll also blog these questions and answers here.
Questions that result an interesting blog will receive a free Tester's Pocketbook - if you go through the TTWT website and contact Lalit - anything goes. I look forward to soem challenging questions :O)
The first Q&A Will appear shortly...
Tags: #TTWT #TeaTimewithTesters #IOE #IOT
Paul Gerrard Please connect and contact me using my linkedin profile. My Mastodon Account