Testing the Internet of Everything
First published 04/09/2014
In advance of the keynote I'm giving at the BCS SIGIST meeting today, I have uploaded two recent papers that were written for the Tea Time wth Testers magazine.
There are two articles in the series so far:
2. Internet of Everything – Architecture and Risks
Right now, it is a very confusing state of affairs, but clearly, an awful lot of effort and money is being invested in defining the standards and building business opportunities from the promise of the new Internet world order. Standards are on the way, but today, most applications are what you might call bleeding edge, speculative or exploratory. It looks like standards will reveal themselves when successful products and architectures emerge from the competitive melee.
The future is being predicted with more than a little hype. The industry research companies are struggling to figure out how to make reasonable hype-free predictions. A better than average summary can be found here http://harborresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Harbor-Research_Diversified-Industrial-Newsletter.pdf
In the second article, I discuss the evolving architecture of the IoE and speculate on the emerging risks of it all.
Other papers are on the way... if only I had more time to get them written... :O)
Tags: #IOE #IOT #InternetofThings #InternetofEverything
Paul Gerrard Please connect and contact me using my linkedin profile. My Mastodon Account