The Testing Uncertainty Principle
First published 12/03/2010
On Thursday's SIGIST meeting, it was great to have such a positive reaction to my workshop and closing talk.
The Fallibility axiom (p41) tells us our sources of knowledge are undependable. The tester is a human being and prone to error. The system is being tested because we are uncertain of its behaviour or reliability. As a consequence, the plan for any test worth running cannot be relied upon to be accurate before we follow it. Predictions of test status (e.g. coverage achieved or test pass- rate) at any future date or time are notional. The planning quandary is conveniently expressed in the testing uncertainty principle:
- One can predict test status, but not when it will be achieved;
- One can predict when a test will end, but not its status.
- If exit criteria are met on time or earlier, our planning assumptions are sound: We are where we want to be.
- If exit criteria are not met or not met on time, our plan was optimistic: Our plan needs adjustment, or we must relax the criteria.
Tags: #testaxioms #uncertainty
Paul Gerrard Please connect and contact me using my linkedin profile. My Mastodon Account